Saturday, July 1, 2017

Alternative Medicine Medical Professor


(A Very Simple Overview of the Big Definition of Alternative Medicine , which has been Universally Credited to Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi)


What is the Definition of Alternative Medicine ?

What is Alternative Medicine ?

How can Alternative Medicine be Defined ?

What is the General Definition of Alternative Medicine ?

What is the Best Definition of Alternative Medicine ?

What is the Most Accurate Definition of Alternative Medicine ?

What is the Modern Definition of Alternative Medicine ?


According to Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi , Alternative Medicine , (AM) , is Outrageously Defined as being :

" . . . Every Available (Art-Based or Science-Based or Religious or Hybrid) Approach to either Medicine , Therapy , Research , Care , Regulation , Faith , Spirituality , Learning , Health , Healing , Wellness , Prevention , Detection , Promotion and Wellbeing etc , (whether Holistic or Focused or Standalone or Supportive or Native or Traditional or Otherwise) , which does not Decisively (or Solidly) Fall within the Any of the Fundamental Professional Realms of either Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Medicine or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Advice or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Treatment or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Health or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Care or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Detection or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Diagnosis or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Prevention or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Promotion or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Therapy or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Research or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Regulation or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Evidence or Conventional (Orthodox Clinical) Learning (et cetera , et cetera , et cetera) . . ."


Ever the Controversial (Political) Maverick , Prof Obi Sensationally Shocked the Online Clinical Fraternity by Quietly Publishing this Highly Explosive (November 2016) Alternative Medicine Definition on the (Highly Influential) LinkedIn Professional Social Network , rather than on his Public Google Plus Profile (which would have Globally Generated FAR Much More Publicity).

Sources Close to the (EMINENT) Top Black Politician are (currently) not commenting as to whether his Latest Move is to be seen as a Major (Retaliatory) Snub to the Whole Google Establishment ; after it Shockingly Emerged that (Certain) Google Staff in London (UK) had Secretly been induced to (Politically) Work Against Him.

For the Record , Dr Obi is a Fully Licensed International Medical Practitioner , (i.e a Duly Qualified Physician and Surgeon) , who currently Serves as Professor-in-Chief of the Alternative Medicine Campaign.

He can easily be contacted via either http://www.ClinicalAdvisers?.com , or through his Official LinkedIn Profile.


Reference Link 1 : LinkedIn Article

Reference Link 2 : LinkedIn Profile


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Meta Description : Alternative Medicine | Professor Joseph Chikelue Obi | Alternative Medicine Definition | Professor Obi | Meaning of Alternative Medicine | Professor Joseph Obi | Definition of Alternative Medicine

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